Thomuel is the ship name for the bromantic, creative and professional partnership between Thomas Joy and Samuel Williams. The partnership began after Samuel panicked Thomas during the auditions of Pirates of Penzance 2014 when Samuel requested the Major-General's song to be played in his audition, Thomas hadn't learnt it by this time and much hilarity / panic ensued.
JWBT (more formally known as Joy-Williams Bonding Time) is any time in which Thomuel are in each other's company. This time is often coupled with rehearsals for LOpSoc shows. It is often spent in the "crèche", the derogatory name prescribed to the area behind the piano. Thomas usual takes advantage of Samuel's admiration for his musical ability by making him turn the pages of the score. Admittedly, Samuel's ability to identify time signatures is severely lacking and this usually irritates Thomas greatly. Thomas maintains that this doesn't irritate him at all, but rather provides respite from the monotony of the endless oompah chords G&S were such fans of.