Joel Parkinson

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Joel was told to pose like Florian for his Ida headshot...he did this...the photographer is not responsible for this outcome...


Joel is a second-year Computer Science student who was press-ganged into LOpSoc for Patience 2018. Since joining, Joel has discovered a love of light opera and now spends his spare time pretending he can sing tenor in his room – his housemates are not amused. Princess Ida became Joel's first show to gain a principal role, and he’s been told that Florian is supposed to be good at this thing called “flirting”. Hopefully he’s learnt enough to be able to convincingly assist Hilarion in his quest to win the heart of the princess. Joel spends a lot of his time being tormented by varying cast mates and prod team due to being too good-natured and thus an easy target.

Production Team Roles[edit]

Show Role
Double Feature 2019 Producer/Mr. Grinder
Princess Ida 2019 Florian
Patience 2018 Male Chorus


- "It’s more you groping him than him groping you" [choreographer direction to chorus for Florian, Joel's character]

- "There's no gradual descent. There's flirting, then Florian, then despair..." [description of Joel's character progress]


- Could be literally every Disney villain.

- Is always playing 'the long game'.